Saturday, September 23, 2017

Milk Can

Neighbor had an old cast iron milk can than he had taken to the curb to throw away. I took it, sanded it lightly (there was some rust oxidation, but the metal wasn't pitted), then painted it. It turned out nice. My original thought was something decorative for the outside porch, but for now it is inside and being used to hold walking sticks, cane, and umbrellas. (wish I had taken a "before" picture). 

Friday, September 01, 2017

New Grandsons

Over the past month or so, I've been blessed with 2 new grandsons, and realizing that not everyone uses Facebook, I decided to post a few pictures.
First was Hunter (Dan and April's son), born July26th, he was 7 lbs 10 oz.  He is now just over 1 month old.
Next was James (AJ and Courtney's son), born August 30, he was 8 lbs 3 oz.  He waited just long enough for the rain from hurricane Harvey to pass before arriving.

Hunter  (more of Hunter, just because I have more):

with sister Payton

with grandpa (me)

 with sister Payton

with mom April

Asleep with dad (Dan)

Payton feeding Hunter

One month old

James (all I have of James, but he is after all only 2 days old, and I don't reside in Houston so not there to take more pictures):
In hospital with mom (Courtney)

Opened eyes

With sister Lily and brother Bill

ENJOY - I do love my grandkids !


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