Sunday, September 20, 2020

Dragon Ukulele

Project for September is a tear drop shaped ukulele with a dragon inlay on the back.  s/n 0087. 

Back, sides, neck are maple with a walnut sunburst stain. Top is spruce. Bridge, fingerboard, peg head rosewoods.  

Inlays African leopard wood, African movingui, Cambodian camphor burl, mahogany, ebony, bloodwood, maple, bone, turquoise, and abalone.

Monday, September 07, 2020

Cherry Acoustic Guitar for son Paul's Birthday

Slow, on updating blog.  Made this acoustic guitar for my son Paul for his birthday in July.   It is made of cherry with spruce top, zircote fingerboard, and rosewood bridge.  Gecko on the back hides a small blemish.  Several years ago I made him an electric bass witch had gecko inlays.  Paul likes geckos so this follows that theme.  S/N 0086


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