Friday, February 26, 2016

Cutting Board

Next month is my daughter-in-law's birthday.   She and my son asked if would make a cutting board for her birthday.   This was a kinda fun project and it only took a couple of days effort.   The cutting board is made of hard maple and black walnut. the cutting surfaces are edge grain.  The inlay is about 1/4 inch thick and is end grain black walnut.  There are also three 3/8 inch oak dowels inside for extra strength.   It measures 19 x 12 x 1 3/4.   Grooves are routed in the ends to aid lifting.    It is finished with 2 applications of mineral oil, then 3 applications of "Howards" butcher block conditioner which is a mixture of  beeswax, carauba wax and mineral oil. (might also have a little orange oil)   The wax content helps keep moisture out but also adds some coloring to the wood (photos are yellower than they really are).  From here on out, an occasional coating of mineral oil should be sufficient.   I hope my daughter-in-law likes it.


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