Monday, June 29, 2015

Happy Birthday Payton

Now 3 years old (going on 6 - LOL)

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Painted Family Room Grey

Like the new contrast in color....

Father's Day Weekend with Grandkids

Rick and Deanne came from Austin with their kids and to go to Six Flags.  Sunday Dan, April and Payton joined in and we all went out for Mexican food.  (The fried jalapeno was almost too much for Carter and it made him ill - after the heat subsided LOL)

Saturday, June 06, 2015

Sharing with PRIDE

My son made the cover of the Houston Business Journal.....
I asked him what he did so special, and he didn't know for sure.  Neither of us have subscriptions to HBJ so we couldn't read the article.

Monday, June 01, 2015


Last week my granddaughter was at the home and got playing with a set of dominoes.   She is young, but liked standing them on end in a line then watching the cascade effect when the first one is knocked down.  This got me thinking,  I'd never tried making a domino set, so why not.  Here is some pictures of the result.  They are made of rock maple.  The box is quilted maple/rosewood.  Yet again another fun new project.


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