Saturday, June 29, 2013

Rocking Horse

I made this rocking horse for my granddaughter Payton's 1st birthday.  (Maple, Cherry, Walnut)

Sunday, June 09, 2013

A New Grandson - William Bryce Ericksen

The latest addition to the family is William Bryce Ericksen.   He was born in Houston on Wednesday June 5th - 9:45 a.m.   9 lbs. 14 oz, 22 inches.   Everyone is doing fine.  Drove down to see and hold for the weekend. Also it had been a little while so good to spend time with Lily also.    Some pictures:

Lily meets her new brother.

My favorite.  If he sweaks, Lily is right there to rock him !

With Uncle Paul

Lily is getting quite adept and feeding herself with a spoon.

Lily likes to sweep and clean the floors.

Lily pushes this cart around, putting things in then taking them back out.
(The doll is her baby)

Dad reading to Lily

2 part video of Lily Dancing.....


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