Tuesday, May 17, 2011

8 String Baritone Guitar

Tried to merge a bunch of ideas into a single instrument. I was inspired by playing an 8 string Taylor baritone. Also I love playing the bouzouki I made last year (see July 2010 posting) so I combined some of those things together. Body is maple with bubinga (bindings, bridge, truss rod cover). Fingerboard is zircote. Spruce top. Inlay is MOP. Gold Gotoh hardware. Elixir bronze 8 string acoustic strings. It is tuned like a guitar, but lower going B,E,A,D,F#,B.
The middle stings (A & D) have an octave string like a 12 string guitar (they are pairs) while the B,E,F#,B are single strings.
I think the 3 interlocking circles is cool on the soundhole (made with movingui wood).


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