Saturday, February 25, 2006

The joys of home ownership - it's always something

Had the main drain for the house backup and flooded in the house. Got a professional out with a TV camera that they can run inside the 4 inch pipe between the house and the sewer in the street, and found out the a tree root had broken the connection about 40 feet from the cleanout. It was pouring rain this weekend (3 inches fell last night) and everything was soaked. Also the ground has a lot of clay and there is a lot of roots, so they had to use a backhoe to dig up my front yard. 1st picture is the tree root that grew into pipe and caused the blockage. 2nd picture gives some idea of the size of the hole. By the way this kinda repair is REAL expensive.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

NEWS ! Dan is Engaged

My son Dan, asked his girlfriend April the big question on Valentines Day and she said yes. No plans yet. Photo below is her engagement ring on her finger.


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