Yellow Rose of Texas - Finished

Finally finished this one. Of all the instruments I've made, this one presented some of the greatest challenges. Among them was 1- back warped on the right side near the tail block. I had to figure a way to fix. Used steam and a hot steal plate to "iron it" flat. 2 - when routing the bindings for the back, the guide bearing came off and took a long "bite" out of the back. The fix was to inlay a curved strip of ebony and brace from the inside. (see pictures). 3- first attempt at the sound hole inlay messes up, so I had to fill it in then turn the top over. 4 - finish messes up on the top, and by the time I got it off, I'd sanded too deep into the pearl plurfing binding, and had to replace some of the pearl. The painting was really to hide finish problems. Some of the good things about this one is the Yellow Rose & vine inlay. Probably one of the most complicated inlays I've attempted to date and it turned out well. Anyway - specs - fingerboard and 'art decco' pinless bridge are ebony. End pin is ebony topped with abalone. Back and sides are black walnut. Top is spruce. Mahogany neck. Grover open back turners. In lay is gold/white mother of pearl and abalone.
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